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The author of the book is Tim Guthrie. a nationally acclaimed educator and mentor of young men.

But this book is not about the author.


This book is for the young men who are disconnected and lost – and the people who care for them. It is for the young boys who hope to one day be strong men – but are unprepared for the challenges that await them.


It has been written in a manner that will also allow any young person lacking an appropriate adult role model to read this book and begin to take control of their own life. It is practical and it is accessible - for everyone.


This book is important.


The headlines tell us there is a problem:


“Men do cry: one man’s experience with depression.”


“Boys need lessons to be men”


“Boys don’t cry: Young men and suicide”


The emotional challenges and issues facing young men are both serious and widespread. Men in every sector of society are plagued by the frustrations, stress and anxiety of the expectations placed on them as a male in modern society and they feel isolated and disconnected. In the UK, male suicide rates are at their highest since 2001. In Australia the problem is also on the rise. Yes, we have a problem and a dire need to address it in mindful and empowering ways. Saving our sons provides a template for those working with young men or parents of boys who want to raise confident, healthy males.


Saving our Sons, the book, maintains that prevention is better than a cure.


Rather than solely dwelling on strategies to deal with depression and other emotional issues Saving Our Sons sets out to help the readers and their families avoid them. It offers practical steps that will help young men connect with the ever-changing world around them.


Rather than go on the defence, the aim of Saving our Sons: The Making of a Modern Man is to do its part to see that headlines such as those you read above, become a thing of the past.




One of the biggest challenges facing the world today is how to help young men discover themselves and where they fit in to a world that is becoming increasingly unforgiving.


Our world is one where everyone is watching and everyone has an opinion. One mistake can mean a barrage of tormenting both in person and online. If a man demonstrates his vulnerability he opens himself up to the incessant tags and labels of others who are trying to prove themselves the opposite.


The boys who are responsible for the bullying and doing the name calling do so because they are just as lost. The boys who pretend to be tough and think that this is what is required to be a man, are every bit as vulnerable to the trappings that come with being disconnected emotionally and unsure of who they really are.


In boys and men from all walks of life, whether openly vulnerable or unable to connect to their feelings, we are seeing an increase in stress leading to depression and anxiety. We all know too well where this can lead.


We have a problem, a very big problem and we need to do something about it because amazing human potential is being lost and lives are at risk.


Saving our Sons sets out to assist the guardians of young males today

to raise young men who have an acute sense of

personal, social, familial and communal responsibility.


Men who give themselves permission to be strong and athletic as well as sensitive, creative and artistic. Men who courageously share their unique gifts and talents with the world, fulfilling both their own potential while making the world a better place for their brothers and sisters.


Saving our Sons addresses one of the biggest problems faced by the world today – the emotional literacy of young men.

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